South Park Elementary: Every Faculty Member Ranked Worst To Best

5. Ms. Choksondik

South Park Ms. Pearl
Comedy Central

Now, if you want a minor character who still embodies the bombastic spirit of South Park, then look no further. Ms Choksondik may have only been a South Park resident for a brief time, but she made one hell of an impression, which helps her to avoid drooping to the lower end of this list.

The character was introduced in the episode "Fourth Grade", where she took over teaching responsibilities. Her personality was certainly memorable, as she was loud and assertive, but it was her goofy name and appearance that hooked your attention most.

Unlike many other school faculty members that slowly fade into the background, Ms Choksondik had strong narratives, including a very memorable - and graphic - relationship with Mr Mackey. But then, she died in the episode "The Simpsons Already Did It".

Although her death was kept ambiguous, it's believed that she died after ingesting Mr Mackey's semen, which fused with the sea people the boys placed in her coffee, creating a civilisation in her stomach that started a war and killed her from the inside. Talk about a nasty way to go.

She was funny, had a great dynamic with Mr Mackey and went out in mean-spirited South Park style, which is why she ranks so high.

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