South Park Parodies Game Of Thrones: The 15 Best Bits

3. Strong Narrative/Joke Mixture

Sometimes as an animated comedy, it can be hard to strike a balance between the story and the jokes. Go too far in one direction and you've got a lopsided episode. South Park is by no means the only culprit of this but it can detract from the viewing experience when it happens. The Black Friday Trilogy has no such problem and cleverly interweaves the narrative and the humour together to form something truly special. Weaving a story together from the ludicrous nature of Black Friday itself and the political intrigue present in the Game of Thrones universe they created a comedy masterpiece. The disparity between the mindless zombies outside the mall and the kids' costumes and strategic planning was very well thought out. Although first and foremost it's 'South Park does Game of Thrones', satire of consumerism in general was present with the interviews with people outside the mall and the general hysteria of the sales. Of course it was exaggerated, with one customer admitting to eating his son but watching some of the violence that transpired in reality on Black Friday, the humour did have some grounding in reality this time around.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson