South Park Parodies Game Of Thrones: The 15 Best Bits

14. Black Friday

Black Friday is an American tradition that's starting to be taken up here in the UK. From my understanding it involves vicious fights over huge televisions, Furbies and other cr*p you could just buy online. I'm not here to judge those that take part in the festivities; South Park has already done a great job of that. From the mindless mobs gathering outside of the shopping mall to all out war when the doors were opened. One of the more powerful sequences in the trilogy came in its finale (Titties and Dragons) when the mob surged through the doors and it was intercut with actual footage of Black Friday. It was all at once hilarious and depressing. Moral concerns aside, it did allow for South Park to revel in its love for extreme violence which always amounts to entertaining scenes. The trilogy proved to be an astute look at the lengths people will go to save money these days and somehow managed to add in a Game of Thrones narrative alongside it. That it was coherent and enjoyable is a testament to the writers.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson