South Park Parodies Game Of Thrones: The 15 Best Bits

13. PS4 vs. Xbox One


The console war is back and so it's time for more futile insults to be hurled back and forward over internet forums. It's interesting that South Park created a sprawling narrative about two factions going to war over gaming consoles and it doesn't seem far-fetched. With the PS4 and Xbox One so sought after, the Black Friday saga showed the lengths our favourite foul-mouthed children would go to in getting them. While the show didn't have time to go into the numerous issues each console has had since their launch, there were some good little digs at each side of the fight. A repeated insult was that 'Xbox people just don't listen', although Sony didn't get off without a few digs at their controller and its inferiority to the Xbox as a 'seamless multimedia device'. I find it quite interesting that they announced a 'winner' in the console war in the form of the Xbox One. Usually when these hypotheticals are tackled there's no clear winner at the end. Of course they go on to denounce all consoles to set up their final gag but it's obvious that their choice as the central conflict was an inspired one.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson