Space Force Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs

3. Obie & Julio

Space Force Netflix

At this stage, Owen Daniels is no stranger our screens thanks to regular appearances in his father’s shows. You may recognise him as the A.I Guy from Upload, or possibly as the ‘Suck It’ kid from The Office.

Daniels is credited as a writer for the entire first season of Space Force and pops up occasionally as Obie Hanrahan. Hanrahan is played in a similar manor to his character on Upload. He is mostly in the background, but has an occasional one liner or quippy back and forth that leaves viewers begging for more screen time.

The low-level rookie and his sidekick, Julio are your typical dumb jocks and serve purely for comic relief, which isn’t a bad thing in this situation. They were recruited straight out of high school, after Naird gives a Trumpesque speech offering $35,000 towards college tuition to anyone who signed up.

The pair are hilarious together as their inexperience and immaturity constantly gets in the way of their progression through the force. They have no idea what they’re supposed to be doing, but they’re having fun doing it and that’s what matters.


I'm just happy to be here