Squid Game: 8 Unanswered Questions We Need To Know

6. Where Are The Other Games Taking Place?

Squid Game

Amidst the many folks falling to their deaths and having their brains blown out for not being quick or deft enough in their sugar cutting skills, there was also the little reveal of this not exactly being the only Squid Game in town during the latter stages of the show.

In what at first could be misconstrued as a throwaway line, a couple of VIP's remark that "The games of this edition have been amazing," and "The contest in Korea was the best." This clearly seems to suggest that the South Korean variation of the savage sport of sorts isn't the only once going down on the planet, with the potential of other regions and countries' versions of the Squid Game likely offering up different sets of games and tasks for their desperate players to grind through.

Again, this is simply speculation at this time, but there's no questioning that a global expansion of sorts when it pertains to a potential Season 2 would be the logical next step for the show. What would a U.K., U.S., or Australian Squid Game consist of? We may not have to wait too long to find out...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...