Squid Game: Every Character Ranked From Human Garbage To Definitely Deserves 45 Billion Won

5. Seong Gi-hun (Player 456)

squid game

The unwilling protagonist of Squid Game, we first meet Seong Gi-hun irritating his mother, with whom he still lives, whilst weaselling his way out of buying a decent birthday present for his estranged daughter.

After reading the synopsis of the show, and having watched this man for five minutes, I can’t be the only one who sat on my sofa thinking to myself: ‘Yes, I would like you to suffer please’?

Having amassed enough gambling debt that people are literally after his organs, its actually his diabetic mother’s medical bills that prompt Gi-hun into the games, and it’s here that we see the other side of this perennial last place ‘Father of the Year’ contestant.

Experiencing a fair amount of PTSD thanks to a union protest turned deadly at his previous job, Gi-hun’s downward spiral led to unemployment, divorce, loss of custody of his daughter and a crippling gambling addiction, but somehow left him with the goofiest smile in all of South East Asia.

Within the arena, Gi-hun proves to be a caring and devoted individual, trying at every opportunity to save as many as he can. Owing to Human Garbage Cho Sang-woo’s suicide, and a fair amount of plot armour, Gi-hun is the sole survivor and beneficiary of the prize money, but escapes the games a profoundly changed man. Although the show’s closing moments have him once again veering off being a decent father at the last second, we’ll let him if it means we get Season Two.


Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.