Squid Game: What Would An English Remake Look Like?

3. Tug Of War - A Human Pyramid

Squid game tug of war v human pyramid

The thing about Tug Of War is that it is a pretty universal game, it would not necessarily require any translation or adjustment should Netflix decide to remake an English version of Squid Game.

Squid Game's take on Tug Of War sees two teams pitted against each other in the classic game set up, with the caveat that they are playing on platforms raised high above the ground. When the winning team manages to pull the rope so that the losers are dragged from the end of the platform, a guillotine cuts the rope and allows for the losers to fall to their death.

This could easily be recreated for a remake, but should they decide to really switch things up then there are some other strength games that could be called upon. One that, like Tug Of War calls for both strength and strategy is a human pyramid challenge.

Often seen in sports events like Tough Mudders, a human pyramid calls for a team to get themselves onto a higher platform using only their bodies as tools. With a team made up like our central gang in Squid Game, a remake could see the smaller women and the elderly provide the strategy and be the first ones boosted up, whilst the strongest people form the base of the pyramid and rely the most on their own strength to pull them up at the end.

It's not a necessary change or a direct alternative, but I can certainly see those who don't make it to the top of the platform in time meet a grisly end by being dropped from a height.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.