Star Trek: 10 Awesome Actors We Want As Future Captains

3. Jonny Lee Miller

My goodness, what has this guy not done? Appearances on a soap opera (EastEnders), ventures into Hollywood (Hackers, Dark Shadows), television (Elementary), and stage (Frankenstein). Throughout his career, he's played such a wild variety of characters that I have a hard time pinning down just what sort of role he'd be best at. It seems to be there's nothing he can't pull off. But from what I've seen of him, it seems to me he'd be best in an anti-hero type role; a Captain that is so valuable to the Federation that they have to keep him around, but is plagued by vices and inner demons. A rash temper, impatient with his crew, but at the end of the day his crew would be glad they have him on their side. It's his performance in the Frankenstein play that really sells me on this idea. In the play, he and Benedict Cumberbatch famously traded roles every other night, one playing Dr. Frankenstein, the other the monster. Every night, switch. His ability to balance between two such totally different roles and play them both equally well is what cinches this in my mind. An anti-hero. He'd be perfect. But what if you've decided you want an older captain, in the vein of Jean-Luc Picard, versus the youthful Kirk? Well then...

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Armed with a laptop, a Pepsi, and a swivel chair, J.D. sets out to uncover the deepest secrets of the film world. Or, ya know, just write random movie-related lists. Either way....