Star Trek: 10 Best Odo Episodes

5. Necessary Evil

Odo DS9

A flashback heavy murder-mystery episode, this story is kicked off when Quark is duped into retrieving a strongbox from an abandoned shop on DS9 and is shot for his troubles. As Odo tries to investigate, he is reminded of the time when he was first recruited by Gul Dukat to investigate a murder during the time of the Cardassian occupation. The audience is treated to the view of Terok Nor, the original name of DS9, the disparate grey palette reminding us of just how bleak this period of time was.

Odo has to delve into his past and that of his best friend, Major Kira Nerys. Eventually, he discovers that there's more to this story than first thought. It's a compelling mystery to do with the loyalty of those Bajorans and Cardassians involved in the occupation, involved in terrorist activities against the fascist oppression and involved with each other.

The episode concludes with Kira having to look Odo in the eye and asking if he'll ever be able to trust her again, to which he cannot provide an answer.

This episode seeks to hammer home just how brutal the occupation was, how duplicitous and immoral one might have to be for the greater good, something that Odo feels he might just be able to live with.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'