Star Trek: 10 Best Romulan Episodes

8. Face Of The Enemy

Star Trek Troi TNG The Face Of The Enemy

Coming more than a season after the pivotal two-parter Unification, Face of the Enemy probably gives Deanna Troi the most screen time she ever had. And it's disguised as a Romulan. In this game of cat and mouse, Deanna has been recruited by a small group of Romulan defectors in order to help facilitate their defection to Starfleet in some stasis pods. To do this, she has to pose as a Tal Shiar operative, Major Rakal.

As she attempts to lead a Romulan ship carrying the stasis pods up to Federation space, she has to contend with Commander Toreth. Toreth is distrustful of the Tal Shiar in general, since they once dragged her father away in the night. In a particularly pivotal scene over a dining table, Troi has to verbally spar with the Commander over the role of the Tal Shiar in Romulan society. This small insight into what it is to live as a Romulan gives way to a somewhat North Korea-esque state in a Roman guise.

Eventually the Enterprise catches up to this Romulan vessel and Troi is rescued, with the stasis pods. Unfortunately the Romulan Subcommander N'Vek, the man who instigated the whole plan, was not so lucky. N'Vek sacrifices himself for his mission, which the Counsellor laments on to Captain Picard when she is returned to her old self.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'