Star Trek: 10 Best Romulan Episodes

6. The Enemy

Star Trek Troi TNG The Face Of The Enemy

The Enterprise responds to a Romulan distress beacon on the storm-wracked planet of Galorndon Core. A rescue attempt is made for the sole survivor of a small, crashed craft. During the effort, Geordi is unfortunately stranded as Worf and Riker recover the badly hurt Romulan. Geordi must use all of his wits to survive. As he tries to find a probe that the Enterprise has launched to find him, he is taken hostage by another Romulan survivor, Bochra.

The ionising effects of Galorndon Core's storms are playing havoc with Geordi's visor while Bochra is losing the feeling in his legs due to his crash injuries. Both men realise that while they are normally enemies, they will have to work together in order to survive this planet. With a combination of their respective technologies and sheer physical effort, both of them manage to make it to the beacon. They manage to contact the Enterprise and are saved.

Meanwhile, Picard has managed to negotiate with the temperamental Commander Tomalak, played by Babylon 5's Andreas Katsulas. Picard manages to avert armed conflict between the Federations and the Romulans yet again. This is reinforced by Bochra's reassurance that Geordi saved his life. The theme of mutual enemies working together was one that went down well with critics and audiences alike.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'