Star Trek: 10 Biggest Examples Of Vulcans Being Illogical

4. Vulcan Vs Andoria

When the Star Trek universe went back to the beginning in Enterprise, the Vulcans were given something of an ego trip. Whilst there had always been individuals portrayed as smug and even arrogant, these traits had now gone viral. Chief of these (quite literally) was administrator V'Las, leader of the Vulcan High Command. The ongoing conflict between Vulcan and Andoria was a story arc that continued for the length of all of Enterprise's four seasons, and included installing surveillance equipment in monasteries, and signing a peace treaty with dishonourable intentions. These culminated in the three part story The Forge/Awakening/Kir'Shara, in which the bombing of the United Earth embassy on Vulcan was perpetrated by members of the High Command as a precursor to a full scale attack on Andoria. Something which also saw V'Las himself in league with the Romulans. Luckily the Syrrannite revolution put a stop to his plan, and they led the Vulcans on a path which included a more logical interpretation of logic. But that's not to say allying themselves with Romulans was the most illogical conspiracy a Vulcan ever entered into...

One man fate has made indescribable