Star Trek: 10 Greatest Captain Janeway Speeches

6. Part Of Becoming Human Is Learning To Have Compassion - Prey

Star Trek Captain Janeway Speeches
CBS Media Ventures

Sticking with the theme of humanity, Captain Janeway spends a great deal of Voyager's journey teaching Seven of Nine the complexities of becoming human. While the former Borg is often resistant in her learning, one such instance saw her question her mentor's motives and even refuse to follow orders.

Season 4's Prey saw the Voyager crew cross paths, once again, with a member of Species 8472. This time, however, the creature is injured and vulnerable after being hunted and attacked by the Hirogen. Captain Janeway takes pity on the alien and decides to help send it back to fluidic space. Seven of Nine, on the other hand, is unnerved by it - with Species 8472 being the only true enemy of the Borg. 

Janeway asks Seven to open a quantum singularity for them to send the creature back home. Seven refuses. The captain sees this as an opportunity to teach her protégée another lesson about humanity.

I realise it may be difficult for you to help save this creature's life, but part of becoming human is learning to have compassion for those who are suffering, even when they're your bitter enemies.

She then goes on to tell Seven about an incident when she was a lieutenant "during a Cardassian border conflict." She describes how she was ordered to aid a wounded Cardassian and the reluctance she felt at being asked to risk her life to help someone who would not return the favour. The pride in her revelation that this act meant more to her than the overall victory of their mission, highlights Janeway's moral code and compassion, advising Seven that:

A single act of compassion can put you in touch with your own humanity.
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️