Star Trek: 10 Greatest Captain Janeway Speeches

5. You Can Use Logic To Justify Almost Anything - Prime Factors

Star Trek Captain Janeway Speeches
CBS Media Ventures

While Captain Janeway always strives to uphold the rules and stay true to her principles, that doesn't mean that she finds it easy. She often finds herself faced with difficult decisions that put her two most valued objectives at odds - to get her crew home safely, but to, also, maintain the ideals of Starfleet. 

In these moments of personal conflict, Janeway relies on the loyal, yet logical, counsel of Tuvok. His Vulcan mindset often helps the captain separate her personal and professional connection to a situation, while his long-standing friendship with Kathryn allows for a deep level of trust between the pair. 

Season 1's Prime Factors shows a breach in this trust, however. With the Sikarians possessing technology that could send Voyager much closer to home, but their own version of the Prime Directive prohibiting their use of it, Captain Janeway is faced with a dilemma - deny her crew an opportunity to get home, or ignore the planets rules, thereby compromising her principles. Tuvok took the burden off of his captain by securing the technology himself, behind her back, later stating that it was only logical for someone to spare her the ethical dilemma. 

Although this was an act of loyalty, it disturbs Janeway that her trusted "moral compass" has betrayed her. Even here, we see Voyager's captain facing an internal battle. The unshed tears threatened to fall as she must acknowledge the loyalty, yet admonish the insubordinate logic, delivering such a heartfelt reprimand:

I realise you made a sacrifice for me, but it's not one I would have allowed you to make. You can use logic to justify almost anything. That's it's power, and it's flaw.
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️