Star Trek: 10 Greatest Filler Episodes

8. Where Silence Has Lease

Star Trek The Next Generation Family Jack Crusher
CBS Media Ventures

Where Silence Has Lease is a bottle episode from The Next Generation's second season, which initially was fairly forgettable. A reaction meme - that poor ensign - has spawned from it, but for a long time, that was really the most memorable part of the story. 

However, this too is an episode that deserves a reevaluation. On the surface, one could easily label it as filler and then move on. But it, along with guest star('s voice) Earl Boen, offers a chilling slice of space exploration. Nagilum kills simply to scratch a curious itch. There is something terrifying about the scientist with no regard for their subjects.

There's also something terrifying about the crew we've come to love being relegated to simple subjects. The episode also, sort of, features the first appearance of a second Galaxy-class ship, the USS Yamato - or a version of it at least. It's definitely one that shouldn't be skipped.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick