Star Trek: 10 Greatest Filler Episodes

7. Paradise

Star Trek The Next Generation Family Jack Crusher
CBS Media Ventures

Paradise is an exploration on the nature of cultism, with Alixus taking the role of cult leader. For Michael Piller, it was another chance to do a Sisko episode. Combining Sisko and O'Brien worked well, and would be repeated in the seasons to follow. 

The story is simple - Sisko and O'Brien are looking for potential colony worlds, and find a community that has rejected all technology. Rather than help them to leave, Alixus plans to break them, forcing them to accept her way of life. For this writer, that punishment box was the definition of hell.

So much of Paradise works so well, even if it is rarely discussed alongside such other episodes as Past Tense, Trials And Tribble-ations, or Tears Of The Prophets. It's got a smaller scale, but it works. It definitely deserves a re-watch soon. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick