Star Trek: 10 Hated Characters You Grew To Love

4. Juratti

Star Trek Captain Shaw
CBS Media Ventures

Alison Pill was introduced as Dr Agnes Juratti in Star Trek: Picard's pilot episode, Remembrance. For the first season, she was the comic relief, serving as the audience stand-in to comment on odd situations or to receive exposition. Then she murders Maddox, which is all forgiven by the time the second season comes along.

The first season was a strange mix of styles, with Juratti getting the short straw. She was hard to like, quipping her way through scenes that required a more experienced hand. When she asked the question 'Am I still under arrest?' it felt like the show was asking if anyone actually cared.

Then along came season two and everything changed. Juratti, along with the Borg Queen, becomes the MVP of the season. Her drunken arrival on board the Stargazer, as well as her bait and switch with the Queen, both combined to impress, though it was her deep journey under assimilation that helped to expand her character. 

Now, Juratti was a character with depth and, as played by Alison Pill, she was someone to root for. Though the ending feels a little jumbled with all that weird sh*t on the Stargazer, Juratti's is a story of two halves, with part two ensuring she will be remembered as one of the strongest creations to come from Picard.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick