Star Trek: 10 Hated Characters You Grew To Love

3. Wesley Crusher

Star Trek Captain Shaw
CBS Media Ventures

Considering we have recently published a list crying for a Wesley spin-off, there must surely be no surprise that he's turned up here. It may, to younger audiences, be a surprise that he was ever hated at all. But hated he was, and it wasn't pretty.

Wesley was inserted into The Next Generation as a version of Gene Roddenberry himself, to have this child prodigy save the day on many occasions. While that isn't a terrible inspiration behind a character, it often left the adult characters - those experienced Starfleet officers - looking rather foolish.

As time went on, he came into his own, though the first year of the show left a bad aftertaste in the audiences' mouths. The years went by, allowing heads to cool, and similar to what happened with Pulaski, people began to see the bright side of Wesley. His appearance in Picard's second season shocked viewers but was well-received, while his more substantial return in Star Trek: Prodigy solidified his standing as the wunderkind of the franchise. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick