Star Trek: 10 Hated Episodes You Grew To Love

6. The Storyteller

Star Trek The Next Generation Sub Rosa.png
CBS Media Ventures

The Storyteller is an early episode of Deep Space Nine and it was a bit of a DOA. O'Brien and Bashir nip off to a village that has a cloud monster, O'Brien becomes a cult leader, and everyone has fun. Oh, and Jake and Nog annoy some innocent people on the promenade. 


Although, when one considers where these characters get to, The Storyteller serves as a signpost. Bashir and O'Brien become one of the greatest examples of friendship in Star Trek, with many of the seeds for that planted here. The second season's Armageddon Game is often cited as the first true example of their relationship, where in truth it begins here.

Jake and Nog are in a similar situation. Their b-plot does some heavy lifting for the episode overall, yet helps to set up their fast friendship.

While several of the entries on this list benefit from hindsight - this entry being no exception - they all have one thing in common: all of the ingredients are there, even if they took a while to marinate. 

What helps raise this episode above the sum of its part is O'Brien's attempt to tell the village-saving story.

Once, there was a Dal'Rok....
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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick