Star Trek: 10 MORE Characters Permanently Displaced In Time

1. Captain James T. Kirk

Scotty Star Trek The Next Generation Picard

Captain Kirk has had more different endings than a massage parlour, but there's always another version of him to be found. This particular one seems to be the original, though at this point, who really knows?

While aboard the Enterprise-B, Kirk is swept out into space by the Nexus, though is quickly brought into its reality-bending dimension. Here, time has no meaning, so by the time Captain Picard walks up to him chopping wood outside his cabin, it has felt like mere moments have passed.

The scene that follows in the cabin is beautiful, with their conversations convincing the veteran Captain to travel to Picard's time in an attempt to fight the madman, Soran. Regardless of the outcome of the fight, this was sure to be a one-way trip for Kirk. It's possible he could have found another way home, but it's best not to overthink it.

Though he didn't survive the 24th century very long, Kirk was very dramatically pulled from his own time and deposited on Veridian III. All is not lost though - his body is on ice at Daystrom Station, filed under Project Phoenix, so who knows - he may yet make his way to share a drink with Scotty after all.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick