Star Trek: 10 MORE Characters Permanently Displaced In Time

2. Rasmussen

Scotty Star Trek The Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Berlinghoff Rasmussen appeared to be a charming, if a little frustrating, historian from the 26th century. He appeared on the Enterprise-D just before a large historical event - the climate crisis on Penthara IV - and proceeded to make himself at home. As his credentials checked out, Captain Picard afforded him full courtesy - even going so far as to step to the side, so that Rasmussen could beam directly onto the bridge.

Though he drove the crew mad with his comments about knowing what was to come, he started to give little hints away, unknowingly, that tipped off the crew to his real identity. Small objects started to go missing - a tricorder here, a neural stimulator there. When confronted by the crew, he tried to escape in his time pod with Data.

It was then he revealed his ruse - he was from the past, not the future. He planned to bring these technological advancements back in time and 'invent' them, one per year. Unsurprisingly, this didn't go to plan, and he found himself trapped in the 24th century, ready to be quizzed by the historians of that time.

Irony had never tasted so delicious.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick