Star Trek: 10 MORE Characters Permanently Displaced In Time

5. The Frozen Humans

Scotty Star Trek The Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures

In The Neutral Zone, it is not just the return of the Romulans that the crew of the Enterprise-D must face. Three humans, cryogenically frozen in the 21st century, are discovered floating on an old space station. Though they had died in their own time, each of them had succumbed to illnesses that were easily curable by the 24th century.

Reviving them was a relatively simple affair, even if their acclimation to the new time period was not. First, there was Sonny Clemmons. How was he supposed to survive without his alcohol and television? Then, poor Ralph Offenhouse, having lost all of his direction in a finance-free future. Finally, Clare Raymond, who is distraught to learn she has traveled so far forward, thinking of her sons.

The three serve as examples of an earlier time in Humanity's evolution, as Picard notes. Offenhouse is the greed, while Clemmons is the glutton. Perhaps it is Raymond who embodies the best of her time - empathy and family.

Though the characters are never revisited again in Star Trek, there is surely an interesting Long Trek to be had in exploring how they fare in this brave new world.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick