Star Trek: 10 Reasons Prodigy Is The Best Series Of The Kurtzman Era

3. Mulgrew is Back

Star Trek Prodigy
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The captain of the Delta Quadrant is here!

Not even missing a coffee cup, Kathryn Janeway is a presence that fills any bridge even if she's holographic.

Operating as the USS Protostar's training hologram, Janeway has settled into both a teacher and mothering role very early on in the season. Recreated as seen during Voyager's seven year trip home (minus rank pins and with a new style combadge), the captain provides a strong physical link back to the previous incarnations of Star Trek which 90's fans in particular will be able to relate to. The animators have even quintessentially captured Mulgrew's trademark hands on hips that framed the character right from Caretaker.

Janeway is the reins here, offering counsel and keeping everything under at least some form of control and coordination. But as viewers have seen in Kobayashi, there's more to Janeway than might have been anticipated and her role in the series looks set to be more than just as a hologram with more that she knows and be unwillingly redacting.

Cleverly, adding in Janeway means that the principles and vision that existed in the Roddenberry/Berman eras of Star Trek can also be successfully carried across through the hologram.

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A Star Trek fan from birth, I love to dive into every aspect of the franchise in front and behind the screen. There's something here that's kept me interested for the best part of four decades! Now I'm getting back into writing and using Star Trek as my first line of literary attack. If I'm not here on WhatCulture then you're more than welcome to come and take a look at my blog, Some Kind of Star Trek at or maybe follow me on Twitter as @TheWarpCore. Sometimes I force myself not to talk about Star Trek.