Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The USS Defiant You Need To Know

3. First Contact Cameo

USS Defiant Star Trek
Paramount Pictures

Outside of its appearances in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine seasons three through seven, the USS Defiant famously made a cameo in the 1996 big screen outing Star Trek: First Contact... with some controversy.

According to the movie's co-writer Ronald D. Moore (who was also a Deep Space Nine staff writer), upon showing DS9 showrunner Ira Steven Behr the script for First Contact, Behr's only note was to objection to the apparent destruction of the Defiant.

According to the executive producer himself, Behr was unhappy that DS9's warship had been coopted to appear in First Contact only for it to be destroyed by the Borg, so Moore and co-writer Brannon Braga altered the script to explain that the ship was "adrift but salvageable". Behr nevertheless remained skeptical about the Defiant's cameo and did not include any references to its participation in the battle with the Borg or its near-destruction in any episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).