Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The USS Discovery You Need To Know

4. Spookiest Ship In The Fleet

Star Trek Discovery

Actually, the title for "Spookiest Ship in the Fleet" may belong to Discovery's sister ship, the USS Glenn, which was darkly lit, full of dead bodies, a Klingon, and a blood-thirsty, but misunderstood space monster.

However, the USS Discovery's registry number, NCC-1031, definitely conjures up certain imagery due to the fact that 10/31 also happens to be Halloween.

The story behind this is simple: Star Trek: Discovery series creator Bryan Fuller requested the USS Discovery's registry number honor his favorite holiday, Halloween. Fuller is no stranger to macabre or Halloween-related material, having created the shows "Dead Like Me", "Pushing Daisies", "Mockingbird Lane", and "Hannibal".


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).