Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of USS Voyager You Need To Know

7. Voyager The Brain

Star Trek Voyager

One of the more novel technologies incorporated into the design of the USS Voyager was bio-neural circuitry, an organic computer system built to mimic fluid organic thought rather than rigid artificial computing. In essence, Voyager's bio-neural gel packs allowed the ship's computer to rationalize and make educated guesses where conventional computers would fail.

A side effect of this new, biological computer system, though, was that the bio-neural gel packs were susceptible to the same kind of diseases and maladies as the human crew. In the episode "Macrocosm", the gel packs came down with a case of macrovirus, in "One", Voyager's computer system was afflicted with radiation poisoning from a Mutara-class nebula, and, in "Learning Curve", the bio-neural gel packs were infected with bacteria from Neelix's cheese which could only be purged from the system by heating the ship and giving Voyager a fever to combat the illness.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).