Star Trek: 10 Starfleet Officers Who Betrayed The Federation

4. Captain Ransom

Star Trek Picard

Captain Rudy Ransom, of the USS Equinox, was a mirror for Captain Janeway. Their stories were similar - both commanded vessels that were stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. However, the Equinox had been far unluckier when it came to finding friends and supplies. From the very beginning, Ransom was faced with constant peril.

Where Janeway had the advantage of a larger and more advanced vessel, while also find allies and trading posts along the way, the Equinox was quickly attacked by the Krowtownan Guard. In the first skirmish, 39 people were killed - roughly half of the crew. From that point, the Equinox was constantly on the back foot.

So, when Ransom and the crew were introduced to the Ankari, they were thrown a lifeline. The Ankari were able to summon beings that they dubbed 'spirits of good fortune'. These 'spirits' were in fact aliens, aliens who were able to help the Equinox increase their warp capability significantly.

Abandoning all Starfleet principals, Ransom authorised the capture and killing of dozens of these creatures, all in the name of getting his crew home safely. It also left the ship under constant attack, resulting in them sending out a general distress call. This was picked up by Voyager, and Ransom quickly found that he had to answer for his actions.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick