Star Trek: 10 Starfleet Officers Who Betrayed The Federation

5. Calvin Hudson

Star Trek Picard

Calvin Hudson was an old friend of Benjamin Sisko, and Curzon Dax. He was just as fond of Jadzia Dax when they met, even though through Curzon's memories she had personal information on him - to his amused discomfort. He was a married man until the death of his wife, Gretchen, in the late 2360's. After this, Hudson's life changed.

He was assigned as the Starfleet attaché to the Demilitarized Zone, responsible for overseeing the Federation colonies there in the wake of the Treaty. However, when on the ground, he quickly learned that he was unable to reconcile his duties to Starfleet with the suffering he witnessed.

He became a Maquis sympathizer before quickly joining and rising through the ranks to become an important leader in the cause. At that point, he began to use his Starfleet connections to secure supplies for the Maquis and to keep them safe. He hoped that he would be able to persuade his old friend, Sisko, to join the cause.

After revealing himself to Sisko, he requested the use of the station as a refuel and repair dock, but Sisko angrily refused. The two parted ways, only meeting once more in battle. Sisko learned of his old friend's death several years later, when the new leader of the Maquis Michael Eddington named Hudson as a martyr to the cause.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick