Star Trek: 10 Things We Are Most Excited To See In Discovery S3
Here's what we are DYING to see in the new season of Star Trek: Discovery.

On October 15th, the long wait for the third season of Star Trek: Discovery will finally be over and many of the questions that have been burning in our minds for over a year may finally be answered. With the trailers we have been given, we can see that the show is in for a huge change in the environment around it - along with the franchise as a whole.
Here, we have compiled a list of the ten biggest things we are dying to see in the third season. Having said that, Discovery has already introduced so many questions and dramas along the way that it would be almost impossible for one season to address them all (fingers crossed it gets a fourth season!)
Read on to see what we are hoping to see the most in Star Trek: Discovery's third season!
10. The Burn

In the trailer for season 3 that was released during the Star Trek Day panels, Book speaks about The Burn - the day that the galaxy took a hard left turn. Michelle Paradise then clarified that, because of this, the Federation has dwindled in size and it is operating very much on survival mode.
This tracks with what we have seen throughout the history of Star Trek. Between the era of Archer and the latter days of Star Trek: Picard, Starfleet has changed immeasurably - growing from a smaller exploration force to a vast empire, though one that is not so secure as to make unilateral decisions with its fleet.
We know that the supernova of the Romulan Star has greatly affected the balance of power in the Quadrant by the 2390's. Now, with almost 1000 years between these stories, is The Burn simply an extension of this? Or another disaster altogether?