Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Kai Winn

5. Winn Was A Last Minute Addition To Shakaar, Thus Saving The Episode

Space Karen Kai Winn Star Trek Deep Space Nine Louise Fletcher

Shakaar was an episode that was in a bit of development hell. Initially, Winn wasn't involved in the plot. However, Ronald D. Moore would later say that adding her to the plot made everything come together. Having already been elected Kai, Winn was now en route to becoming First Minister as well, which would place all political power in her hands.

Nana Visitor found this idea extremely interesting, and disturbing. Winn, corrupt as she was, would make for a leader who only cared for her own goals. This allowed the Shakaar character, played by returning guest actor/sex candle Duncan Regehr, to then become the face of the common Bajoran.

The writers had a lot of fun with this script, particularly after the events of Life Support. There, Winn's ineptitude at negotiations was on full display. Had it not been for Bareil's self-sacrifice, it was likely that talks would have fallen through between Winn and the Cardassians. Of course, having Winn take all of the credit for the success of these negotiations placed the character in the frustrating position of being absolutely insufferable, while also having the love of the people.

Who wants to take a bet that in her head, Kira's phaser blasts were heading toward a certain pointy hat?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick