Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Guinan

9. The Bar-Chicken And The Egg

Guinan Whoopi Goldberg Star Trek Next Generation TNG Picard
CBS Media Ventures

So, what really came first? The bar, or the bar? Is it all a case of locations, or is there something else at play?

The first version of Ten Forward, Guinan's establishment, that the audience sees is the one located aboard a Galaxy-class starship. This serves as the locale for the crew to wind down between shifts, overseen by the proprietor. (More on this later.)

The second version of Ten Forward appeared, somewhat confusingly, in Los Angeles of the 21st Century. Here, Ten Forward earned its name from the street address from where it could be found. While this was quite obviously meant as a knowing wink to the audience, it introduced some rather funny questions. 

If the bar came first, then did Guinan have to continually submit a request for a very specific section of the Enterprise-D's deck? What would happen if that space wasn't meant for socialising? What if there hadn't even been a Ten Forward? 

Knowing that the bar came second (at least in real world consideration) then did Guinan beam this knowledge backwards in time, thus making life rather difficult for her younger self, dictating the exact address wherein the bar could be located? 

Here's what we know: Guinan is a creature of habit, and she doesn't like it when things change.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick