Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jake Sisko

5. Are We Just The Enemy That We See?

Star Trek Jake Sisko Smiling
CBS Media Ventures

The critical scene in ...Nor The Battle...features Jake Sisko in the foxhole with a Starfleet marine. Here, he has to watch the man slowly succumb to his wounds, all while knowing that he ran away from Bashir when the shelling became too intense.

This scene was the cause of a major disagreement between writer René Echevarria and Ira Steven Behr. As the scene was originally written, Jake was to have fallen into a foxhole with a Klingon soldier. This soldier would be blind, so they would spend time together without revealing Jake's true identity. Several days would pass before Jake would come clean, only for the soldier to toss him out, refusing to die with a coward.

Behr demanded the scene be changed, removing the Klingon. Echevarria was livid, certain that the scene was critical to the overall plot and that Jake's character would benefit from it. Behr countered with the argument that as the Klingons were going to be depicted as bloodthirsty and savage by the episode's end, spending time with one, learning to understand and care about them, gutted the overall point that the episode was trying to make. 

Echevarria made the changes and, when the episode was finally filmed, he came to understand that Behr had been correct in the long-run, and that the episode was better for it.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick