Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Soongs

8. The Emotional Suppression Of Arik Soong's Augments

star trek the soongs

As mentioned earlier, Dr. Arik Soong hated Earth's laws against genetic engineering.

While working as the senior medical director at Cold Station 12, a top-secret research facility, he stole several genetically engineered Human embryos that were left over from the Eugenics Wars, hundreds of years ago. Like Khan, they had increased strength and intelligence, as well as an insatiable lust for power.

Arik made some adjustments of his own to the embryos' biology, brought them to life, and raised them as his own children on the planet Trialas IV. Knowing that there was a risk of his children rebelling, Arik thought ahead and manipulated their DNA to make them less violent. Ironically, learning this was what turned one of his children, Malik, against him. The thought of Arik using his DNA to control him infuriated Malik.

Realising that his children were out of control, Arik escaped and helped the Enterprise stop them from commiting mass murder and sparking a war between Earth and the Klingons.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.