Star Trek: 10 Times The Ship Was Stolen

8. I Khan't Believe This Happened Again

Star Trek Next Generation TNG Data Brent Spiner Rascals
Paramount PIctures

Khan Noonian Singh is something of a thorn in the side of Starfleet when it comes to starship ownership. His first appearance in Space Seed saw the despot quickly overcome the Starfleet crew to take command of the Enterprise, which would be honestly impressive if it didn't happen every other Tuesday.

His return in Star Trek II sees him, rather than take the Enterprise this time, quickly overcome the crew of the USS Reliant. While most of the crew are deposited on Ceti Alpha V, Captain Terrell and Commander Chekov remain to help operate the vessel. There is no happy endings for Khan and company as this time, they are again thwarted by Kirk, leading to Khan's suicide mission with the Genesis Device. 

Khan's villainy is not confined to one universe, as his Kelvin timeline counterpart quickly proves. When he is discovered by Admiral Marcus, a chain of events sees the madman manipulate everyone around him until he eventually takes control of the USS Vengeance, even if he does manage to crash it into most of San Francisco mere moments later. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick