Star Trek: 10 Times The Ship Was Stolen

2. This Is The Story Of A Little Ship...

Star Trek Next Generation TNG Data Brent Spiner Rascals
CBS Media Ventures

A Runabout gets shrunk to toy size and the Defiant is overrun by Alpha Quadrant Jem'hadar. No, it's not the title of Kris's new fantasy RPG, but it's the plot of One Little Ship, a light-hearted episode from DS9's penultimate season.

As the Defiant is locked in place while the Runabout is exploring an anomaly (a shrinking one, no less), it is attacked by Jem'hadar. This is one of the few examples where the ship being taken is a little understandable - they couldn't very well abandon their crew, could they? 

There are laughs a-plenty as the tiny ship navigates the Defiant, helping to restore control to the Starfleet crew, and even fire teeny weeny torpedoes at some of the more troublesome invaders. It may not be one of the great historic battles of the Dominion War, but it certainly is memorable. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick