Star Trek: 10 Times The Ship Was Stolen

3. Bendii Her? I Hardly Know Her!

Star Trek Next Generation TNG Data Brent Spiner Rascals
CBS Media Ventures

When three representatives from Betazed come aboard the USS Cerritos, chaos soon ensues. To be fair, it's not entirely their fault - even if they do manage to completely overtake the ship within a matter of hours.

The three are just as much as victim as the rest of the crew - from assumptions, as much as anything else. While the Starfleet crew begin to give in to hedonism, Zanthi fever is the first ailment to be blamed, having previously caused ruckos on Deep Space Nine. However, all is not as it seems. 

It is, in fact, T'Lynn who is responsible - however inadvertantly. She is in fact suffering a mild form of Bendii syndrome, one that is similar in its effects to the Betazoid illness. Once identified, all wrongs are soon set to right - with another apology from the three dignitaries for, you know, hijacking the ship. 

All's well that ends well! 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick