Star Trek: 10 Worst Things Captain Janeway Has Ever Done

6. Making A Deal With The Devil (Scorpion)

Puppy Janeway Q Star Trek Voyager

This was the decision that could easily have cost Janeway, not only the loyalty of her crew, but their lives as well. When Voyager finally encounters Borg space, they find themselves thrust into the conflict between the Collective and Species 8472 who, at the time, are presented as a malign presence.

Janeway decides to work with the Borg to defeat them, trusting that they will allow them safe passage through their territory once completed. Despite the strong objections from Chakotay and the rest of the crew, she proceeds with the plan. It is, in reality, a bad call.

Not only does it result in the Borg regaining their strength in the Delta Quadrant, but the Collective immediately reneges on its word once the threat is dealt with. It takes a near-mutiny from Chakotay to help Janeway accept even his contingency plan, so convinced as she is that by teaming up against one enemy, she may be able to change the nature of the Borg.

Though the decision, like others on this list, was made with the best of intentions, there is little doubt it is one of the most dangerous calls that the captain ever made.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick