Star Trek: 10 Worst Things Worf Has Ever Done

1. Which Chancellor Shall We Be Killing This Week?

Star Trek The Next Generation Worf Laughing
CBS Media Ventures

It says something about the state of Klingon politics when the assassination of both a contender for, then actual sitting, Chancellor can be seen as a good thing. Yet Worf, enigma that he is, manages to kill two men and receive varying levels of thanks for it - depending on which captain is in charge.

In Reunion, Duras returns, and the audience are introduced to Gowron. At this point in history, both men are vying for the position of Chancellor of the high council. However, Duras murders Ambassador K'Ehleyr, who was of course Worf's mate. While, in Klingon society at least, Worf was well within his rights to exact vengeance on the man, Picard is furious. This is more complicated than revenge - Worf effectively cleared the way for Gowron to ascend to the chancellorship, which was (at that stage) risky. 

Though for years Gowron's position kept the alliance with the Federation in place, the Dominion War complicated matters, as did General Martok's growing popularity among the troops. With Gowron's ego spiralling, Worf once again took to murder, killing Gowron and placing the mantle on Martok's brow. This incident is slightly murkier as Captain Sisko effectively egged the man on.

Worf is a complicated figure in Star Trek. Many of his actions seem rash, even reckless. Yet the saving grace for everyone's favourite Klingon is that, unless your name is Alexander, Worf is a genuinely decent man, who more often than not means well. He may take time to learn how to play with others, but isn't that simply part of his charm?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick