Star Trek: 10 Worst Things Worf Has Ever Done

9. Accepting A Lie, Honour Be Damned

Star Trek The Next Generation Worf Laughing
CBS Media Ventures

The entire idea of Discommendation in an honour-based society is both brutal, and completely understandable. What is the worst punishment that be dished out on a warrior - cold, no less - to leave them begging for an honourable death?

Worf, when accepting his fate in Sins Of The Father, believes that he is doing the best thing for the Empire, the House Of Mogh, and for peace with the Federation. Picard is the first to call this out, though he doesn't criticise Worf specifically. It would take several more years, and two Dax hosts, for Worf to see the truth of his actions.

Ezri calls him out as another similar decision looms. She says that if Worf, the most honourable man that she knew, was willing to accept the crimes of the Empire - then the Empire didn't stand a chance of survival. This harsh lesson builds from his previous acceptance. Should he have taken on Discommendation to save the Empire from Civil War? 

As an individual, we argue - no, this was a mistake. However, as the leader of a Great House, with no other immediate alternative? The answer is a little muddier. Though Worf couldn't have known this at the time, Civil War was inevitable - with there being little doubt in the fact that his acceptance laid the grounds for the Duras family to gain the followers that they could.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick