Star Trek: 10 Worst Things Worf Has Ever Done
5. A Light Bit Of Domestic Terrorism
To this day, the fact that Worf was not brought up with charges of Domestic Terrorism while on Risa baffles us. Let He Who Is Without Sin is a very strange episode. While it's almost as horny as Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places, it feels bland. There were numerous behind the scenes issues that faced production, which perhaps contributed to the very odd depiction of Worf here.
While supposedly on holiday with Jadzia, Worf decides it's more fun to ruin everyone's good time by sabotaging the weather network, turning this paradise into a storm ravaged planet. If we are kind for a moment and ignore the definite impact this would have on Risa's ecological balance, let's look at his actual actions.
Joining this radical group - the New Essentialists, a 24th Century fundamentalist faction - he witnesses them threaten holidaymakers with, admittedly, disabled phaser rifles. Thankfully psychological trauma means nothing to Worf, so he let's this pass.
Clearly, his training as a security officer - which would rear its head after his posting to DS9 - abandoned him here. It's hard to quantify exactly what is worst about this - his actions in disrupting the enjoyment of countless habitants, his easy acceptance of fundamentalism, or his inability to see the impact of his own bad mood. Wherever the needle lands, this was a bad look for Worf.