Star Trek: 11 Things You Didn’t Know About The Kzinti

5. And You Thought Ferengi Were Misogynistic And Other Prejudices

The Ferengi were well known as one of the most misogynistic species in the Alpha Quadrant, forcing their women to stay naked at home and blocking them from holding jobs and earning profit. However, the Kzinti made the Ferengi look like feminists by comparison.

Although not mentioned on screen, their empire was actually called The Patriarchy. In The Slaver Weapon, Spock reminded Uhura that in the presence of the Kzinti she mustn't do anything startling or show signs of intelligence. Spock reasoned that since Kzinti females were considered unintelligent animals, it might be a tactical advantage if the Kzinti forgot about human women being intelligent. Although this upset Uhura, she accepted Spock's reasoning.

Kzinti were also obligate carnivores who were so repulsed by the consumption of plants that even thinking about someone eating a salad made them ill. They disdained herbivores such as Vulcans and were only marginally more respectful of omnivores such as humans.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.