Star Trek: 12 Biggest Losses Starfleet Ever Faced

11. The Loss Of Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Starfleet Losses

At the close of the fifth season of Star Trek Deep Space Nine, things have come to a head between the Federation and the Cardassian-Dominion alliance. With plenty of posturing and the eventual mining of the entrance to the Wormhole, the board is set for all out war - something Star Trek had not yet shown.

The first battle of the war does not go well for the Federation. No reinforcements are available to help defend the station, leaving the crew with only the Defiant and the Rotarran as support vessels. A fleet of Dominion ships surrounds the station and quickly overwhelms the station's defenses, leaving Captain Sisko with only one choice: abandon the station.

Before the Federation personnel (and Garak) leave however, Sisko reveals that a Federation-Klingon task force used the distraction to destroy the shipyards on Torros III.

While that victory eases the burn, the loss of Deep Space Nine was one of the first, greatest losses of the Dominion War.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick