Star Trek: 20 Characters Who Bored Us Senseless

15. Lwaxana Troi

Lwaxana_Troi_aboard_a_shuttle Majel Barrett is pretty much royalty in the world of Star Trek. Having roots that embed from the original pilot, among her many Star Trek credentials, she provided the voice for the Enterprise computer and married Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry. Barrett was not only a great actress but also one of the cornerstones of the show, on and off screen. But out of all the parts she played, the most annoying and abrasive was the mother of Counselor Troi, Lwaxana Troi. Meant to be funny but with a good heart, every time an episode of Next Generation started with a semi-sexy €˜€™hello Jean Luc€™€™ from Lwaxana Troi, your expectations would drop little as you knew that this was not going to be a classic episode. Flamboyant and mother-in-law from qualities, she was constantly perving over Picard and being a general pain to her daughter. She should have been a character that you got behind for being misunderstood, but her dull storylines and peacockish attitude made you switch off from her. When the Next Generation ended, the Picard and Lwaxana storyline transferred to Deep Space Nine with Odo the security chief, in her cougar sniper-scope . But credit where it€™s due, there was a touching scene in episode €˜The Forsaken€™ where she was trapped with Odo in a Turbolift and had to look after him as he battled to save his modesty and stay in a solid state. Barrett€™s acting was first class here and the only time her character didn€™t overstay her welcome. Most entertaining moment: Being constantly aroused like a MILF in a porno.

14. Kazon

Kazon-Nistrim_survivor,_State_of_flux When Star Trek Voyager launched, it goes with out saying that they need a villain species for the show. With the ship being stunk in the uncharted Delta Quadrant, the writers and producers had the opportunity to let their imaginations run wild and create the next Romulans or Cardassians, a real threat for the USS Voyager. They managed it with the superb Dominion in Deep Space Nine and anticipation was high for what was waiting in the Delta Quadrant. Step forward the Kazon, one of the worst aliens in Star Trek. They looked €˜€™scary,€™€™ they had a fairly interesting hierarchy structure that formed of separate sects, and they were aggressive. The problem was that they also excelled at being boring and arid. You didn€™t care about their goals, you didn€™t jump up with fear when Harry Kim announced that he was picking up €˜€™Kazon signatures€™€™ and it was obvious they needed to be fleshed out a lot more. Realizing the problems with them, they were dropped as the main bad guys and made way for other antagonists like The Borg and Species 47563. Most entertaining moment: Having the worst fake tan in the Delta Quadrant.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.