Star Trek: 20 Characters Who Bored Us Senseless

13. Guinan

whoopi-goldberg-as-guinan-in-star-trek-generations Whoopi Goldberg was a huge fan of Star Trek and she got Levar Burton to convince The Next Generation€™s producers to give her a part on the show. With Goldberg at the peak of her career, they jumped at the chance and a role was written for her as the ship€™s bartender and confidante, Guinan. An El-Aurian, she was over a gazillion years old by the time she got a job as a bartender on the Enterprise. There she listened and advised the crew on everything from the Borg, to time displacements and relationship problems. But she wasn€™t your wise cracking, drinks on the house type bar tender but more of a medical professional that makes it obvious that they know more about you that you do. Also her demeanor and voice was so relaxed, she gave Ten Forward the atmosphere of a airport waiting lounge. To top it off, you also had to drink synthohol, a non-alcohol substance designed to mimic a real drink. Guinan might be great to go to if you have a problem with your significant other but as a bartender, she sucked the life out of a good night out. Most entertaining moment: Listening.

12. Jake Sisko

explorers027 All things considered, Deep Space Nine is probably the best Star Trek series. The Original Series has its place but out of the modern Star Trek TV shows, DS9 stands as one of the best series of the 1990€™s. With an exceptional cast and an arguably even stronger secondary cast, there had to be a few duds and unfortunately that was Captain Sisko€™s son, Jake (Ciroc Lofton) Lofton started in the series when he was in his early teens and he had a pivotal role. Having lost his mother in the Borg attack at Wolf 459, as seen in the famous Next Generation episode Best Of Both Worlds, he was raised by his father alone. Then moving with him to space station Deep Space Nine, a post on that neither wanted, it set up a family dynamic that was much deeper than the Worf single parent storyline on TNG. We saw him go through the difficult teen years and dealing with girls. He would sometimes have a strop with his father, however most episodes in the early part of DS9 are forgettable and that's mainly where we saw Jake struggle with life on a space station. When DS9 kicked into overdrive in the forth season and the war with the Dominion took center stage, Jake was at a loose end most of the time. He still had the occasional domestic issue to deal with and he would take a trip to alternative universe every now and then but overall he struggled to find a place in bigger drama of the threat from the other side of the wormhole. Later he was given the role of €˜€™reporter€™€™ so he had something to do. Even when he opted to stay on the station after it was taken over by the Dominion and all Starfleet crew members evacuated, he was the dullest member of the resistance movement. Most entertaining moment: His wardrobe.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.