Star Trek: 20 Essential Gifts For Trekkies

8. The Spock Vs. Q Collection

Spock Vs Q Collection An oldie but a goodie. Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie found a company for a while which did audiobook versions of classic science fiction books. These featured a number of Star Trek alumni, but isn't what this is. Spock vs. Q contains two one on one stories featuring the two characters. They are fantastic €“ they were originally developed from some performances that Nimoy and de Lancie used to do at conventions. Trust me, after hearing this, you'll want Q to appear in the third nu-Trek film just to verbally go one on one with a version of Spock. Any version. They're two fan favourite characters that never met in-canon in the films or television series and these recordings will show the greatness that could have occurred if they had. Honestly, Q and Spock arguing on screen could last for an hour and I'd watch it engrossed. £14.99 for the set of two on CD from Amazon.

7. Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation2

Star Trek The Next Generation & Doctor Who A good timing for the item considering that the comic features Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor and his term is coming to an end on Christmas day itself. This has been going on for a while as it has been previously collected into two separate graphic novels. But they've now gone and published the omnibus version. The odd thing about the comic to be remembered is that it was already coming out when Nightmare in Silver was created, which greatly enhanced the abilities of the Cybermen. Instead, the Borg and Cybermen are both on equal footing here taking somewhat the role of cybernetic enhanced zombies. So buy this to see what happens when the Cybermen team up with the Borg. And I don't mean Bjorn Borg, although I appreciate that Swedish Cybermen possibly could be terrifying. They'd be running around forcing us all to buy cut price flat-pack furniture and filling our fridges with meatballs. Back to the actual item... for any fans who love Doctor Who there's even a Tom Baker cameo. Everyone loves a Tom Baker cameo. £16.89 from Amazon, which collects all the issues from the series.

6. Ponder the Mystery

Ponder The Mystery I remember getting a copy of Has Been for a friend as a Christmas present one year. He was a massive Pulp fan, so it was purposely bought because it had a cover of Common People on it. A disturbingly good William Shatner cover version. That's the thing with William Shatner's musical output, sometimes it's actually good. It's no Ballad of Bilbo Baggins-good, but good all the same. Remember Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? Trust me, once you've heard it, you can't forget it. Ponder the Mystery is his latest album, and a bit of a prog rock one at that. I haven't heard it. But come on, it's a William Shatner album €“ how much more do you need to know? Oh yeah, it's £11.31 from Amazon. Just make sure that the Star Trek fan you're buying it for gets the funny side of the Shat. Otherwise you will get a very funny look when they unwrap this.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.