Star Trek: 20 Essential Gifts For Trekkies

11. Pyjama Set

Star Trek Pyjamas I love these €“ it finally would allow me to own a Star Trek uniform (I've never had the courage to wear one, never mind where people could see me!) on a daily basis for a legitimate purpose. Plus you could wear them around the house, potentially even while playing a certain Star Trek game on the X-Box/Playstation. Might make you get more into the zone. The designs seem to be in the traditional red/yellow/blue colours and they've managed to get the colours spot in my opinion. Of course it could do with the Kirk green wrap-around version too. There is one significant downside to these particular pyjamas €“ they don't seem to have been officially released in the UK and are available on ThinkGeek in the United States for $39.99. There is a reseller on Amazon that has them over here, but they're for £32.95... plus £14.35 for postage. But they are crazily cool.

10. Stuck On Star Trek

Stuck On Star Trek A fun idea that was released earlier in the year €“ basically a child's sticker book re-invented for Star Trek. Equally fun for adults as you can relive scenes from episodes. Personally for these, the book really makes me think back to the stickers on Weetabix cereal that were released as part of a tie-in for Star Trek: Generations. Whilst the stickers are the same throughout (and are reusable - expect to make great use out of the Kirk and Spock stickers) there are multiple scenes. The stickers are also designed to be layered, so for example you can place a phaser in Kirk's hand. A very Christmas type gift as it wouldn't be something that I'd buy myself but would thoroughly enjoy. currently has it with free shipping for £9.01. Although to be fair €“ if the other series also had similar books brought out then it'd be very tempting to get them all simply to exchange stickers!

9. Pizza Cutters

Star Trek Pizza Cutter I previously criticised the pizza cutter of the Enterprise from The Original Series in my past article on unusual Star Trek merchandise, but since then I've learnt that a second pizza cutter has been brought out! Yay! Double the Star Trek with my pizza eating experience! To be fair, The Original Series one looks better. Like I said before though, the designs of these have grown on me immensely since that previously article and I probably wouldn't consider these to be that unusual now. But don't get me started on the Enterprise spatula. But remember if you do get the Enterprise-D version and there's a person dressed as Councillor Troi in the room then she has to be the one doing the cutting. Because if it involves ramming a Next Generation version of the Enterprise in something, then Troi must be at the helm. ;) Firebox has The Original pizza cutter for £24.99, the Next Gen version is yet to be released in the UK.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.