Star Trek: All Good Things - Reality Vs Fiction

8. The Enterprise

star trek fiction reality

What Happened In The Episode: The Enterprise-D is shown in service in the future. It has been refitted several times, with additional armaments and an extra nacelle added to the original design. It is commanded by Admiral Riker, is equipped with a cloaking device and manages to easily overpower two Klingon Neagh'var attack cruisers. Basically, dream come true!

The ship was capable of higher speeds than it had managed before and was stronger than its earlier incarnations, being the last of the three to succumb to the pressures of closing the anti-time rift.

What Really Happened: Along came Star Trek: Generations. Here, the Enterprise-D meets an ignoble end thanks to the Duras Sisters and a 20-year-old Bird-of-Prey. While this in itself is bad enough, it was decided off-screen that the ship had to go, as the sets and models weren't designed for cinematic filming.

The crash sequence in the film, featuring the saucer section slamming into the surface of Veridian III, makes this sacrifice almost worth it, as it is one of the most spectacular moments in the entire franchise.

While this did lead to the stunning Sovereign-class Enterprise-E, it does, unfortunately, mean that the future that Jean-Luc saw here exists solely in the realms of fantasy!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick