Star Trek: All Good Things - Reality Vs Fiction

7. Deanna Troi

star trek fiction reality
watty62 via WikiCommons/CBS

What Happened In The Episode: All Good Things predicts that Deanna Troi will not be alive by the events of Picard's future. This is used almost entirely as a plot device to drive Worf and Riker apart in the future, rather than offering anything for the character herself. It seemed, in short, to be a bit of a brutal way to cut her out of this timeline.

What Really Happened: Deanna Troi is alive and well in Star Trek: Picard. She also appears, alive and well, serving aboard the USS Titan.

After she and William Riker marry at the beginning of Star Trek: Nemesis, she travels with him to build a family aboard the Titan. They have a child named Thaddeus, who dies as a toddler due to a condition that could easily have been prevented if they had access to any positronic technology. This had been outlawed by that stage, meaning there was nothing that could be done to save the child.

They had a daughter then named Kendra, choosing to retire on Nepenthe. By the events of Picard, Troi is alive and well, helping Will maintain their home and gardens, though she is still more than capable of taking her old captain to task when the situation calls for it.

Troi's death in All Good Things served only to drive a wedge between Riker and Worf - something thankfully missing from the real future of Trek.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick