Star Trek: All Good Things - Reality Vs Fiction

6. Worf

star trek fiction reality

What Happens In The Episode: When the USS Pasteur is taking its trip into the Devron System, they have little to no chance to get anywhere near the Neutral Zone without clearance. For this, they approach the colony of Hanora, with a very familiar Governer. That Governer's name is Worf! In this timeline, he has become a bitter beauracrat, still suffering the loss of Deanna Troi.

What Really Happened: Elements of this do actually come to pass. Once Worf moved over to Deep Space Nine, he serves under Captain Sisko for four years. He is promoted and changes departments, moving from security to Strategic Operations Officer. When the Dominion War finally comes to a close, Chancellor Martok, with whom he has become very close, specifically requests for him to become Federation ambassador to Quo'nos.

In this respect, the switching from Starfleet to the Federation's Diplomatic Core, at least suggests that he may end up as Governer at one point in the future. However, Star Trek: Nemesis then places him back in a Starfleet uniform with no explanation as to why. Therefore, even in the 'Prime' timeline, there are various options for Worf's future. Recently, Michael Dorn teased the entire fandom with a tweet announcing that he had been recalled to Starfleet, so this story is not over yet!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick